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Add or Switch Care Plans

You have the ability to add another patient’s care plan to your account. Once you have multiple care plans accessible in your StriveHub app, you’ll have to switch back and forth for each patient’s care plan.

Important: A care plan may only be accessed from one StriveHub Patient Portal account. Once added, there is not the option to remove the care plan. If you try to add a care plan that has been accessed in a different account, an error message will appear. Additionally, the email address associated with that care plan will be forever tied to the other account.

Add a New Care Plan

  1. Open the navigation menu using the Menu icon in the upper left corner.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Next, press My Health Records
  4. Then, select Add Record
  5. Next, enter the Access Code for the care plan you wish to add and press Verify Access Code. No need to add the hyphen, the app will add it for you. 
  6. Next, indicate the birthday for the patient whose record you are adding. 
  7. Press Verify Birthday.

Switching Care Plans

  1. Open the navigation menu using the Menu icon in the upper left corner.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Next, press My Health Records
  4. The current care plan will be designated by a checkmark. Select the desired care plan. The patients’ Date of Birth is displayed for convenience. The app will then refresh.  
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